I admit, I am a HORRIBLE procrastinator! Actually, I am really good at it...that is my problem. That is why it has taken me almost 6 months to blog again. I hope I am forgiven, and I hope to blog regularly from now on.
I missed blogging about the summer Farmers' Market season! It was fantastic. I, personally, did not get there nearly as much as I thought I would, but when I did I kept kicking myself for not going more often. The whole culture of the market is different. The farmers and vendors really love their product. Yes, they want to sell it to you, but they have more often than not, put their hard work and blood, sweat and tears into what they are selling and it is reflected in their attitudes. They are interested and engaged in potential buyers, and I have learned they are always willing to teach and there is NEVER a stupid question!
Onto the healthy eating front. I am still trying to move away from fast food as a whole for my family. I don't think my husband has had it in months, and neither have I. The kids have occasionally, as a treat. But even in this crazy, busy fall season I am making a huge effort to even just put out cucumber slices and grapes as a snack, and make dinner at home. Even if it is sandwiches, I know where all the ingredients came from and I feel this is a healthier alternative than the drive-thru. I am hoping all these itsy-bitsy changes will eventually turn into healthier eating as a whole for myself and my family. Do I still buy cookies? Absolutely!! Do I still eat ice cream? Most definitely!! But, overall I am trying to make healthier changes to our diets so treats will remain just that...treats.
In the next few weeks, I will be posting some kid friendly meals, and also posting about different ways to get kids involved with the cooking. If they are involved in the process, they may be more apt to try something new!
Thanks for reading--have a great week!!