Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thank you!!!

So, I was re-reading my blog this morning, and it occurred to me that there was a lot of "I" in it.  So, today is the day to clarify. 

"I" could not have done ANY of this without Lisa Akoury-Ross and my fantastic publishing company SDP Publishing Solutions

"I" could not have done it without the numerous friends and family members that bought a lot of my 300+ books. 

"I" could not have done it without great business owners like Lori Burton from Serendipity in Hudson,, who not only agreed to help support me by selling my books, but continues to reach out periodically with new marketing ideas.  The same goes for Elizabeth Almeida of Fat Moon Farm  You guys are amazing!

"I" could not have done it without the Maynard Farmers' Market, the Wayland Winter Farmers' Market, Sustainable Westford Winter Farmers' Market, Simon Malls (YES-I did readings at the MALL--how cool is that?!?)

"I" could not have done it without the amazing teachers at our local elementary school, who welcomed me in, let me read, and even allowed me to become an "Enrichment Program".  I am honored.

"I" am eternally grateful to everyone who has helped me through this past year.

"I" am looking forward to an amazing 2013. 

Thank you so much to all of you!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

Today is Wilbur's birthday!  He is official one year old today (and if he was actually a true one year old, would probably be pushing around different foods on his plate, completely afraid to try them). 

This is actually so exciting for me.  In one year I have published a book, started a blog (ok, posted a few times, but I DO plan on getting better!),  watched my book sell over 300 (!) copies, read at libraries, preschools, farmers' markets and even elementary schools!  I have been recognized on the street as "the author that wrote that dragon book" and have loved every minute of it.  And that is just one year!  The beauty of Wilbur is that he is pretty timeless.  The topic of local eating is still a hot one, and trying to get children to try new foods is an age-old dilemma that I look forward to helping with. 

I am already looking forward to National Nutrition Month in March, and am setting up some readings in the area.  I will be sure to pass them along as they come up. 

Until then, it is my goal to continue to promote farmers' markets as a great source of community and wonderful food, and to pass along kid and family friendly recipes and tips over the next year.  I hope you will continue to join me on this truly is just beginning.

Before I go, a favorite Winter Farmers' Market of mine has started up again, and it is wonderful.  If you are local, check it out sometime this season--you will NOT be disappointed!